Pauwel Kwak was a brewer and owner of the ‘De Hoorn’ Inn in Dendermonde at the time of Napoleon. He was also a very inventive innkeeper.
During those times, coachmen who stopped at an inn were not allowed to leave their coach and horses in order to have their thirst quenched, unlike their passengers. So Pauwel Kwak came up with an ingenious solution. He commissioned a special Kwak glass to be blown, a glass that could be hung safely on a coach. Allowing any coachman who visited his inn to enjoy a Kwak glass of beer like everyone else. His invention was a runaway success.
In 1982 inspired by this tale, Ivo Bosteels created a special “Pauwel Kwak” amber beer and recreated his iconic glass design, so that the legacy of this unconventional genius continues to be enjoyed today.

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