St-Feuillien Five
ABV: 5.0 %
Belgian Blonde Ale
The St-Feuillien Five has a pale blond color, clear and bright. It has a strong sparkling character with fine bubbles and white, fine, and stable foam.
Tasting Notes:
The nose is fresh and hoppy with delicate fruity hints (fermentation esters) empowered by nuances of citrus zests (curacao). The taste starts off sweet and slightly malty. Afterward, a slight bitterness comes in place but never becomes too dominant. As a whole, the taste is well balanced. It is round and full-bodied. The post-bitterness is fine, pleasant, and long. The St-Feuillien Five is a light and refreshing blond beer with its capacity as a thirst quencher as the main quality. Easy to drink, it charms the consumer in a natural way by combining lightness and digestiveness.
Package Configurations:
6 x 4 x 11.2oz (330ml)
20L (1/6 barrel)